Pertya ovata

Family Asteraceae (alt. Compositae)
Scientific name Pertya ovata Maximovicz
Synonyms Pertya scandens auct., non (Thunberg) Schultz-Bipontinus
Common name (Japanese common name) kouya-bouki (コウヤボウキ, 高野箒 [meaning: Mt.Kouya's besom])
(English common name) butterbur
Distribution (Japan) Honshu (west of Kanto region), Shikoku, Kyushu
(Other nations) China
Habitat Mountane roadside, forest edge or forest
Chromosomal number unknown
Description Plants 60-100cm long. Flowers capitulums ca. 15mm long, flowering in September to October. Fruits ca. 5.5mm long. Subshrub.
Note Problems in Pertya Sch.Bip. Compositae Newsletter

October 2006
at mountane forest
October 2006
at mountane forest
October 2006
at mountane forest

October 2006
at mountane forest
October 2006
at mountane forest
October 2006
at mountane forest